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Tom Wilson Hockey Charity Event – Lewes Hockey Club

What a fantastic day we have lined up for you! It would be lovely to see everybody at the Southdown at some point during the day to raise money for the Tom Wilson Memorial Charity.

10:30 to 11.30
Junior Hockey Training by England Mens and Womens players and 1st XI representatives.
For older Lions and Lionesses by invitation.

12:00 to 13.30
Six-a-side tournament. Turn up and play or get a team organised in advance.

14:00 to 15:30
Ladies 1st XI match vs Tom Wilson Ladies XI

16.00 to 17.30
Mens 1st XI match v Tom Wilson XI

18.00 onwards: Food, raffle, auction and drinks alongside live music until late.

Tickets for evening food are on sale now. £15 gets you plenty anti-pasti, pizza etc and one drink (beer or wine). Buy online now to avoid being hungry!–food–drink-ticket-41897.html

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